Whenever someone mentions allergies, we usually think about runny noses when the seasons change or varying reactions after eating certain foods; but, in this episode, we’re exploring allergies in a new way!

On today’s episode, we’re chatting with Acupuncture Physician, Alternative Holistic Healer, Body Code™ Practitioner, Naturopathic Medicine Doctor, Creator of The Allergy Kit, Dr. Ynge Ljung. Dr. Ynge is sharing how energy medicine can help you find relief from your allergies and how restoring these imbalances can improve your gut and overall health. Click the play button above to listen to our conversation with Ynge Ljung.

Highlights from Today’s Episode

  • What happens in the gut and the rest of your body when you have energy imbalances
  • How to restore energy imbalances
  • How allergies can contribute to the development of bigger health issues
  • How you can use the Allergy Kit to treat allergies in a non-invasive way without medication

Industry Spotlight: Dr. Ynge Gut Relief Naturally

Ynge Ljung help you clearly understand how might allergies can contribute to the development of bigger health issues and provides you with the proven path to bringing your body into alignment with nature’s remedies.

Episode Transcript

Ariel: Hello, everybody, and welcome back to another episode of the “Colon Health Podcast.” I’m your host, Ariel Bridges. And today I feel like my discussion is kind of fate because I woke up with some really bad allergies. You’ll understand more in just a moment, but I wanted to introduce Dr. Ynge Ljung. Dr. Ynge, hello, how are you today?

Dr. Ynge: Hello, I am very well. Thank you.

Ariel: Thank you so much for being here. Can we just start out with you sharing what it is that you do with our audience?

Dr. Ynge: Okay, I graduated as an acupuncture physician in ’95 and found that some people, they would come back with the same complaints. And I started to take a lot of courses and study a lot to figure out what it could be. And I found that allergies is something that had been more and more common. And when I graduated, it wasn’t that really…everybody didn’t have allergies. I thought I wasn’t into allergies at all. Never thought I had allergies myself until I started to treat allergies. I studied something called NAET, Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique. And that is a great technique, but it takes a long time and many people don’t have time or money to go to a practitioner that often. So I started to experiment and know kinds of studies and creating my own allergy kit that you can do yourself at home.

That’s what I’ve been doing. I see people in my practice also for acupuncture, and I realized that I had allergies because I, all of a sudden, came down with fibromyalgia and that took me quite some time to get over. And not until I started to eliminate my allergies, that that started to help. And of course, you have to work on yourself, so emotions, and aches, and pains, and all kinds of weird stuff have to do with allergies even though we don’t think where they have anything to do if you know what I mean.

Ariel: Oh, yes. And I have so many questions that are just popping into my head. But before I start diving in, I wanted to ask you, I always have our guests kind of share a little bit about their personal journey because I feel like it really helps our audience relate and maybe see themselves while they’re navigating their own journey. So would you mind sharing a bit of your personal journey and what brought you to where you are today?

Dr. Ynge: That is a long journey. I don’t know where to start if I start from the beginning. I was born and raised in Sweden where I graduated as a chemical engineer first, and got married, had kids, moved with my husband and one child to, what now is, Bangladesh, had another kid there. I was pregnant with my third kid when we went back to Sweden. And after a couple of years, we moved to Venezuela where I lived for 17 years. I worked as a potter and artist, an artisan. That was what I was making a living on at that time.

And then in ’90, I came here to the United States, and I always loved acupuncture and the concept. And what happened was I was going to work with a friend of mine with artwork and murals in Miami, and I tripped, and fell, and broke my wrist in five places, so there was no more offer.

Ariel: My goodness.

Dr. Ynge: And then I signed up for acupuncture school instead and have never looked back. It’s just another art form. I was pushed to acupuncture.

Ariel: I love that you described it as an art form though. That’s very, very interesting, which actually brings me to my next question. So with acupuncture and a lot of the other services that you offer, they’re very centered around energy imbalances and you are just touching on in your answer, the importance of getting all of these other components in place in order to start feeling better. Can you share more about energy flow and what happens when there are imbalances in that energy flow?

Dr. Ynge: Well, our energy is supposed to flow when in the whole body. And when we get sick, something is stuck. Something is not moving as it should. When it comes to energy, especially starting with food allergies, what we eat is not absorbed by the gut where our immune system really is created. And the liver thinks everything is a toxin. So it has to detox, you know, every food you eat. And the liver is also in charge, is the governor of free-flowing of energy, blood, and, and fluids in the body. So when the poor liver gets overworked, things get stuck. And an example of stuck liver is PMS. When you have sore breasts, and cramps, and clots with a period, that’s when the liver is stuck. The energy in the liver is not moving. If the liver is not moving, the rest is not either. So that has to be taken care of. And with acupuncture, we do it one way, and it’s really one of the easiest way to get rid of PMS is with acupuncture. Then when it comes to the root, which could be that you have allergies to food and the liver has to overwork.

Ariel: So all of it really comes back to the liver and how well the liver is functioning.

Dr. Ynge: Liver and, yeah, the whole gut system. It’s all related, but the liver is the one that’s paying the price for what you eat and drink and if you move or don’t move, you know, if you exercise or not exercise. Exercising is important in so many things. It has to do with hormones. And, I mean, the liver is all also involved in hormone production and turning them around where they should be. So, yes, it’s very, very important to have liver health, gut health. Be aware of what you are eating.

And what’s called the SAD diet, the standard American diet, it’s really, I think, the root to all, maybe not all but 90% of people’s digestive problems because we don’t get the nutrients we should. And if you don’t eat organic, I mean, if you just eat the standard American diet, it’s not organic. You will get all that glyphosate and the toxins. There are not enough veggies, and the animal products, they are also toxic because the food they get, the feeds. Like, cows are not supposed to eat grains. And not only are they grains, they are GMO products and have [inaudible 00:07:22] with glyphosate, which inhibits a lot of the enzymes and bacteria that we need for our digestion. That’s one thing.

And the other thing is that we eat too much wheat. If people would just quit eating wheat and sugar, they would definitely lose weight. And wheat is also the culprit when it comes to leaky guts because it contains…it contains many proteins. One of them creates holes in the intestinal lining so that undigested or partially digested food can come out in the bloodstream. And that’s how we get allergies. You know, it produces antibodies and then it develops into allergies. And I’m sure you have seen people who say, “Well, I used to have an allergy to, let’s say, milk. Now I can’t eat anything. I’m allergic to everything.” And that is because of the holes in the intestines, so you create those leaky guts. Doctors didn’t even believe in leaky guts a few years back, but now it is a fact.

Ariel: So to back up slightly, hopefully before we get to the point of leaky gut and we are starting to feel those allergy symptoms or PMS even, you mentioned acupuncture is a way that we can help, kind of, restore the energy balance that was lacking, that caused all those issues and then maybe adjusting our diets, eliminating wheat, eliminating sugar. Is there anything else that we can do to restore the balance of energy that leads to all of these problems like leaky gut and PMS and things like that?

Dr. Ynge: Looking at the diet is really, really the main thing because the food that is around is full of sugar and toxins. And the food, I think it’s scary what people eat. So it’s really where you have to start is to see what you are consuming and how you react. Many people, they don’t know that…for example, they have headaches or migraines, they don’t know where they come from. And very often it comes from allergies, but they don’t know they have allergies. So the best way to do is really to write a journal, a food diary, how you slept during the night, and how you wake up, if you feel refreshed or as if you were hit by a car, and then write down absolutely everything, what you put in your mouth. I mean, you can even use the phone and talk it in. And then in the evening, you write down how you feel, how you felt during your day, if you had, like, an energy slump in the afternoon. All these things that if you know about them, if you write them down, you’re more aware. And that way, you can see what did you do, what did you eat that made you feel different or bad. That’s the way to become aware.

Ariel: Yes, writing things down makes it so much easier to see patterns. Like you said, you may not realize that you are feeling sick each time that you eat a particular food, but once you have it written down, you’re like, “Oh, actually these times that I slept terribly or I felt poorly, I had the same thing to eat each time.”

Dr. Ynge: Yeah, and of course the other thing is also that people eat late at night or they have dinner at 5, 6, and then they snack. And you should not eat anything at least three hours before you go to bed. And then it’s so common to…I see that in a lot in teenagers, too, they go to bed with their phones. And the blue light, that inhibits the melatonin to make you sleep to be created, to be produced. So I know a lot of teenagers that suffer from insomnia. That is one of the reasons. So you should stop watching your phone and your computer two hours before you go to bed and preferably stop watching TV too about one hour before you go to bed. Then you sleep better and feel better when you wake up. And also not eating three to four hours before you go to bed because the body needs to relax. It needs to digest what it already has in there.

Ariel: That seems like a lot. I know I’m hearing you say this, and I’m thinking about a lot of people I know and their nighttime routines. And it definitely includes a lot of snacking, and TV, and phone time. This is great. You know, this is giving us all an excuse to really put in, like, some self-care. We’ll turn off all the electronics. Maybe you can light some candles, do your skincare routine, put on a diffuser, and just wind down into the night.

Dr. Ynge: That is the ideal, put some relaxing music on and maybe read a book. And as you say, put some candles and diffuser with some lavender, for example, which is calming and relaxing, good for sleep because sleep is so important and most people don’t get enough sleep. And of course we are all different, but between six and a half and eight and a half hours is what most people need. And I think a lot of people don’t get that. And maybe they need eight and a half and they only get six, and they never catch up. And even that affects the blood sugar, which is so important for us to keep balanced.

Ariel: Yes, sleep is so underrated. People don’t understand how much sleep does for us and our overall health and wellbeing.

Dr. Ynge: They have even proved that if they don’t get enough sleep later on, that can contribute also to Alzheimer’s and dementia. And who wants that?

Ariel: Yeah, not me. I know that.

Dr. Ynge: So we really have to think about how we are going to live the rest of our lives. If we don’t feel 100%…well, maybe nobody feels 100%, but, I mean, at least to feel good, right? If you don’t feel good today and maybe you felt maybe a little better yesterday than today, I mean, not literally yesterday, but how will tomorrow be? Will you feel worse then and maybe not even notice because it goes so slow? And then all of a sudden, you wake up and you are in your 40s or 50s and 20, 30, 40 or more pounds overweight, can’t sleep, all the hormones are out of whack, pre-diabetes or diabetic. It is serious. Our health in this country, it is a serious, serious problem. And we have to… Nobody can do it to you or for you. You can go to the doctor and get the pill for diabetes, but that doesn’t do you any good. You won’t feel better. You have to take your own health in your own hands.

And one thing is my allergy kit… because you can get rid of the cravings for sugar and wheat… for example, we often eat what we are allergic to. That’s what we crave. So by eliminating the allergies, you can stop eating so much sugar. I had, for example, one patient who wants to…she was definitely hooked on sugar. And I treated her several times for sugar. And one day, she would say that, “Well, I can’t open a box of chocolate without eating the whole box.” And then one day she came and said, “I can’t believe this. I had one piece of chocolate and I did not even want anymore.” And that’s where you want to get when you have a little bit of sugar and you’re content.

Ariel: Wow. Yes, if there’s anybody that is addicted to sugar, I feel like that’s me. I have the biggest sweet tooth. And I told you I…or I told everybody, I woke up with very bad allergies this morning. And so I definitely wanted to hear more about your allergy kit and how you developed it and how it works because it’s different than a lot of the other mainstream treatments for allergies out there.

Dr. Ynge: Yes, it’s definitely not mainstream. And it has to do with energy, yes, but we are energy. So I learned first this technique with NAET where you use vials, and they use a different method. I created this, as I said, so people can do it on themselves. So it’s a different protocol altogether. But what it is, the kit comes with…it depends. I have several kits, but I’ll start with what I call the basic kit, which is called The Allergy Kit. And I have a food allergy kit, autism allergy kit, environmental and so forth. So the basic kit contains seven vials plus the stress vials. And these are, after working so many, many years with allergies, what I have found that everybody is sensitive to. We don’t have to say allergies, allergic to, but it inhibits the body from building up the immune system. And, you know, the most common allergens are egg, and milk, and gluten, and soy, and a couple of more things.

In my basic kit, the first vial, for example, contains egg, and chicken, and milk, and dairy, calcium, vitamin C, and parasites. I think there’s one more thing. So some people come and say, “I’m vegan. I don’t eat chicken or meat or anything,” but we came from an egg. So that’s why we have the egg in there. When we are born, we get milk. When we start to eat, we start to eat hopefully veggies, vitamin C. So that’s the reason behind that.

The next treatment is… So you do one treatment with a laser. It’s very simple. If you go to theallergykit.com and look at instructions, you can see exactly how it is done. It takes about five minutes, and then you rest a little bit. And altogether eight minutes, you can do the treatments. So the next treatment is for sugar and vitamin B, and that is the treatment that we often have to repeat because, for example, you have so much cravings. So it is deep and they say that to get off of sugar is more difficult than getting off of cocaine. And I have seen how people suffer. But it is so much easier if you can get rid of the allergy to it or sensitivity to it.

So the next treatment is for toxins because we are all toxic. We breathe, and children today are born some say with up to 500, others say 200, but anyway it’s a lot, with chemicals and toxins in their umbilical cord and that’s not right. So we are all toxic. And number four is for vaccines. I mean, most people have been vaccinated, and these are frequencies that stay in the body. And specifically, kids on the spectrum when they treat them with the vaccine vial, there is a change. And then number five is sugar again and candida because it is, as I said, [inaudible 00:18:54] sugar a lot. And number six is grains. It also contains corn, which is not really actually a grain but I have it in there anyway. And then number seven is a combination of the first six-plus organs and endocrines. But this is the basic what you have to treat first. This is so that your body will start to absorb the basic nutrients.

And then you can do the other, whether you have environmental or food or whatever allergies you have, you can do that after that, but you have to do the basic kit first. And all the kits, they contain the basic kits. So some people, sometimes they end up buying two kits, but they only need to buy one because the first kit is in every other kit.

Ariel: Got it. Okay, so they’re these vials. And you said that you administer the vials via laser. Is that right?

Dr. Ynge: Yeah. So you never open the vials. So they are imprinted with these energies that you are treating with. For example, the sugar, and the eggs, and chickens. It has those frequencies in the vial, in the water. It’s water that’s imprinted. And we have those frequencies also. So when you treat, it kind of evens out these frequencies that you are reacting to. That’s the whole idea, so that you can be able to absorb things that you should be able to absorb.

Ariel: Wow. And you’ve already answered this question, but utilizing these vials to adjust these frequencies can help treat our allergies, which can contribute to the development of many other bigger issues that you’ve shared. Is that right?

Dr. Ynge: Absolutely. Of course, you can’t just do the kit and then go back and eat Burger King and that stuff. If you want to be healthy, you have to change lifestyle, and be more aware, ask your body. Our bodies are very, very knowledgeable. If you think about you cut your finger, it heals all by itself. But you know if it doesn’t heal fast like it used to, you know there is something wrong. And the same thing with other things that come up. If it’s a cough or just not feeling right, not feeling energy or not feeling happy, that’s another thing that I want to talk a little bit about is that the gut is where the feel-good serotonin is produced, not in the brain. Then it travels through, kind of, intricate ways. It travels up to the brain, but it’s not created in the brain. So when our gut is sick, our brain is sick too. I should say the gut is really on fire because it’s inflamed, and then the brain is inflamed also. That’s why we have foggy thinking, maybe angry, maybe depressed. When people are depressed, they should look at their digestive system and not in the brain. It’s the wrong way to look at it. So giving people pills to calm down is not good. It’s not where you should start. You should start with the gut.

Ariel: Yeah. I think a lot of people don’t realize how much of our well-being is centered in the gut and how it affects so many different systems in the body.

Dr. Ynge: Yes. I mean, directly with the vagus nerve from the brain that goes directly down through all the organs and directly down into the gut. It’s a direct… For example, people who have accidents and hit their head, they have a head injury. They are 100% affected. Their gut gets 100% affected. Often you don’t think about it, but when they think, they think about it. They can say, “Yes, after I had that head injury, my gut has never been the same.”

Ariel: Wow. Yes. I feel like a theme that is common on this podcast is that every piece of who we are, our guts, our physical health, our mental health, everything is so closely intertwined and connected. And one part of the cycle being off can affect other parts of the cycle that we may not even think about.

Dr. Ynge: Yep, that’s the thing because we don’t really think about all the things that everything is connected.

Ariel: Right. And I wanted to use the last bit of time that we have left to ask if there’s anything else that you wanted to share with our audience. And I wanted to make sure that you also shared where they can find you and how they can work with you.

Dr. Ynge: Okay, they can go to theallergykit.com or to my other website, which is drynge.com. That is drynge.com. I also do something that’s called Body Code, which is energy medicine. And I work people either on Zoom or over the phone with them to see where there are trapped emotions, which can be trapped at any time. I get the time when it happened and the place in the body or organ or endocrine because it can be absolutely anywhere. And often when I work with people with allergies, at some point, we can get stuck and then I do this Body Code, and we get over that hump. So that’s a great energy treatment also. So on drynge.com, there is a link to make an appointment. So you can get a free 15-minute consultation with me.

Ariel: Excellent. And as always, I will link all of these things down in the show notes below. So be sure that you just scroll on down and click whatever you need to click to gather that helpful info and that free consultation. That’s amazing. There was so much interesting new things that I learned today, Dr. Ynge. Thank you so much again for being here.

Dr. Ynge: Thank you so much for inviting me.

Ariel: And, everyone, as I always say at the end of the podcast, we all have colons, so just make sure you ask your questions, do your research and have a conversation. All right, we’ll see you next time on the “Colon Health Podcast.” Bye.

Man: That’s it for our show today. A huge thank you to you, our listener. If you like this episode, please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to this podcast. The “Colon Health Podcast” is produced by colonoscopy.com. You can learn how to subscribe to this podcast and read more about today’s guest in the show notes by visiting colonoscopy.com/podcast. We’ll be back soon with another episode.

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